Monday, April 11, 2016

An Everyday Appeal What does Gita contain?

Everyday Appeal What does Gita contain?  It contains everything that a person wariting to live a life of meaning and fulfilment would like to know.  A popular verse on Gita compares its message to milk of the cow called the Upanishads. Milk is the best part of a cow.  It has a rich supply of all essential vitamins and other nutrients that a staple food should contain. Again,  milk can also be consumed directly or by converting it to other forms such as butter, curds and buttermilk.

The Gita-milk too has all the ingredients necessary to make it a perfect drink for moral and spiritual nourishment without which no healthy living is possible.  The Gita milk enriches the malnourished human mind
by frequently reminding it of the undyingself that lies at the core of human personality.  A mere idea of the eternity of the Self itself brings a grea t solace to the despairing heart.  Yes,  we might face troubles in life,  commit mistakes and fall into crises but there is Something in us which is never affected by all this.  What gets affected is mind and this mind can be trained and disciplined to overcome these influences.  It can be purified and strengthened.  A spiritually educated mind is always fixed on the self and that state of steadiness is the source of unending joy,  strength and peace.  Using a clear and exact language,  Gita helps us to reach that state and quietly tells that reaching that state is the goal of life.


You should not misunderstand the silence of God to your prayers in your problems or

absolute knowledge of the absolute God is impossible

This ultimate ideal of life is stated in various way Self-realization,  knowing the Brahman,  becoming a Yogi getting established in God-consciousness,  going the gunas,  gaining perfect control over senses and the mind,  perfecting one's devotion and so on.  In Gita one finds an amazing wealth of expressions to denote spiritual perfection and a mere reading about it can be a rewarding experience.  Rightly did Gandhiji call it his'spiritual dictionary.  All spiritual concepts and shades of meaning can be found in the Gita.

The Gita milk also nourishes one with the knowledge of various paths to reach that state discusses in depth the subtleties of human needs and frailties and how to gradually overcome them.  Like a mother,  it holds our hands gently but firmly and teaches us to walk the path of inner peace and fulfilment.  One might stumble and slip here and there,  but the Gita,  the Mother,  is always present to help us stand up and walk the path of perfection again.

Gita not only accommodates but also harmonises all paths.  A Bhakta has as much to learn from the Gita as a Unani or a Yogi or a man of action.  In Gita one finds a grand harmony of all Yogas and a possibility for discovering new ways to reach the highest state of being.  What about those who seem least interested in any path?  Whose minds are not clear if they should take a path or not?  It is My path that men tread in all ways,  4 says Sri Krishna.  Even the pathless ones?  Yes,  because even the pathless ones,  too,  seek happiness, peace and security in life.  There is no one who seeks unhappiness,  turmoil and insecurity. Hence,  all men,  even those who are not spiritual seekers in the conventional sense,  are seeking God alone though their definition and concept of God may not be as explicitly stated as a spiritually educated man would do.  Gita has enough to teach even them.

Gita's teachings are accessible,  acceptable and applicable to all seekers of Truth.  Since they were delivered just before the beginning of the Mahabharata War which is symbolic of the inner war between our good and bad tendencies--the Gita easily becomes related to the harsh realities of everyday life.  The advice that Sri Krishna gives to Arjuna sounds so reasonable and applicable that one never feels the aloofness and other-worldliness that is often associated with many other scriptures.  As Gita deals with certain everlasting issues of life-the true purpose of life,  solving moral dilemmas,  taming the restless mind,  learning the art of doing actions without getting attached,  understanding love,  compassion,  charity and so on.  occupies a central position among the scriptural traditions of the world.

Krishnam vande jagadgurum
God bless you all

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