Friday, April 29, 2016

Gita says - Be Strong In Every Way

Be Strong In Every Way It is a tremendous error to feel helpless.  Do not seek help from anyone.  We are our own help.  If we cannot help ourselves,  there is none to help us"Thou thyself art thy only friend,  thou thyself thy only enemy.  There is no other enemy but this self of mine,  no other friend but myself.  This is the last and greatest lesson,  and Oh,  what a time it takes to learn it!  We seem to get hold of it,  and the next moment the old wave comes.  The backbone breaks.  We weaken and again grasp for that superstition and help.  Just think of that huge mass of misery,  and all caused by this false idea of going to seek for help!

There is only one sin.  That is weakness.  When I was a boy I read Milton's Paradise Lost.  The only good man I had any respect for was Satan.  The only saint is that soul that never weakens,  faces everything,  and determines to die game.  Stand up and die game!  Do not add one lunacy to another.  Do not add your weakness to the evil that is going to come.  That is all I have to say to the world.  Be strong!  You talk of ghosts and devils.  We are the living devils.  The sign of life is strength and growth.  The sign of death is weakness.  Whatever is weak,  avoid!  It is death.  If it is strength,  go down into hell and get hold of it! There is salvation only for the brave. 'None but the brave deserves the fair.'  None but the bravest deserves salvation.  Whose hell?  Whose torture?  Whose sin?  Whose weakness?  Whose death?  Whose disease?

where none sees another,  where it is all One,  there is none to be miserable,  none to be unhappy. [There is only the One without a second.  Therefore be not afraid.  Awake,  arise,  and stop not till the goal is reached!

god bleass you
krishnam vande jagadgurum

please visit
How to Worship God
Bhagavad gita ( what is the karma yoga )

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Pratique tôt au lit et se lever tôt. Dès que vous vous levez, lavez-vous les dents et de la bouche, seulement pour deux minutes et boire de l'eau au moins un grand verre jusqu'à un litre. LF votre corps devient froid souvent, boire de l'eau tiède


Afin de garder la forme, faire du yoga ou des exercices pour 45 choisi Yoga, Suryanamaskara 5, Asanas permanent 3, Assis asanas 3, postures Twist 3, Posture Prone 3 et supination Nortura 3 Agnisara kriva pendant 3 minutes sont préférés. Tous Les deux types de pranayama et enfin Supth visranthi Asana (Savasan) pendant 3 minutes, sont effectuées lentement et ste Tous ceux-ci prennent seulement 45 minutes. Sain devient concentration plus saine Yoga augmente et crée TENSIONS état FREE. OU, Marchez 2-3 kilomètres, en un jour

Prendre un bain de préférence dans l'eau froide. Si votre corps ne sont pas d'accord ou si elle est la saison froide, prendre de l'eau tiède. Dans tous les cas, trop froid ou trop chaud est dangereux.

Rutha Bhuk, Hitha Bhuk, Mitha Bhuk. Cela signifie que nous devrions consommer de la nourriture selon la saison. Si elle est la saison d'été, des épices ou des denrées alimentaires plus aigre ne devrait pas être taken.Take seulement ces produits alimentaires qui ont plus contents.Ex de l'eau: le melon d'eau, concombre, etc. Ces produits alimentaires qui sont propices à soi-même doivent être consommés et la quantité ne doit être ni plus ni moins.

Ne pas reporter l'appel de votre nature pendant des heures. Il en résulte des problèmes de santé. Regardez les oiseaux qui volent! Vont-ils à la clinique?

Prenez toujours fraîche, saine et équilibrée food.Leave ces deux: Dépêchez-vous et l'inquiétude.

Si vous avez pas la paix de l'esprit, il est préférable de ne pas prendre de la nourriture. Consommez des aliments avec la tranquillité d'esprit à mâcher lentement bien mélanger la salive car il n'y a pas de dents dans l'estomac!

Dès que vous avez terminé votre repas, nettoyer les dents et les gencives well.Brushing deux fois par jour est un must.Gargling également si nécessaire

Prendre soin des ongles, des cheveux et skin.Maintain cleanliness.Practice de prendre le petit déjeuner après le bain.

Porter des robes lavés de terrycot, laine en hiver, robes fines et lâches de coton pendant l'été selon la saison.

Essayez de limiter la consommation de ghee, le beurre et le lait. Les légumes verts et impulsions germées comme mungo dal, gramme bengale, gramme vert et salade de légumes crus et les fruits devraient faire partie de notre alimentation quotidienne.

Eviter trop de sel, gras ou épicés nourriture. Oignon et ail sont bons pour la digestion facile. Limité douce pour les patients diabétiques, le sel limité pour B P patients et limité sure pour les patients Gastrite et de la nourriture Satvic pour les patients cardiaques

Trop de riz poli est pas recommandé Ne pas sauter le petit déjeuner et le déjeuner, mais la nourriture dîner de nuit devrait être limité. Selon le texte de yoga "Annena purayeth Ardham Thoyena thu Thruteeyakam Udarasysa thrutheeyamsam samraksheth vayu charane". Cela signifie que la moitié de l'estomac doit être rempli avec de la nourriture solide, un tiers de l'estomac doit être rempli avec de l'eau pure et restant doit être maintenu vide pour la circulation de l'air.

Boissons froides qui sont chimiquement conservés sont dangerous.Raw germé en impulsions gram vert, cheval gramme, gramme ou pois bengal sont bonnes protéines source Si vous êtes végétarien non, s'il vous plaît noter que seul non-vegfood est pas indispensable.

En cas de fièvre, ne prenez pas la nourriture à tous. S'il y a la faim ont que des aliments liquides comme Perle Sago ou Sojee Ganji ou de lait.

Une fois dans une quinzaine ou au moins une fois par semaine int préférence le samedi soir (parce que le dimanche est un jour férié), le jeûne est nécessaire pour garder la forme vous

Fried, huileux et les aliments de boulangerie devraient être prises que pour satisfaire les papilles, pas stomachful

Ne soyez pas esclaves de la cigarette, le tabac et les boissons alcoolisées-, car ceux-ci sont nuisibles à la santé. Consommez des aliments que lorsque vous êtes hungry.If il n'y a pas faim ne prendre que l'eau 2 à 3 litres d'eau par jour est un must pour une bonne health.Don't commencer votre travail quotidien sans petit déjeuner.

Inspirez et expirez air pur par le nez seulement. Qu'il y ait une ventilation suffisante pour la maison et d'ouvrir les fenêtres de votre room.Don't lit couvrir le drap de lit sur votre visage.

La hauteur de l'oreiller ne devrait pas être trop. L'oreiller ne doit pas être trop heighted

La santé physique dépend hea mentale Toujours essayer bein Tension Free State. Diabète, BP, l'asthme, le cancer sont toutes les maladies psychosomatiques.

Suptha Visranthi Asana ou savasana est un must pendant 5 minutes lorsque vous êtes fatigué. Si vous souffrez d'une respiration sifflante ou une toux, prendre du repos en Makarasana. Makarasna signifie coucha sur votre estomac et prendre du repos. Toux arrête immédiatement

Merci q

please read

How to Worship God
Bhagavad gita

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Shall we leave family for Lord?

by sri datta shri

Shall we leave family for Lord?

First of all I told that there is no need of leaving the home or family If the home and the family are congenial to the mission by devotion This question does not arise in your case since you are a great devotee When the family opposes the mission, then only one has to leave home However, I shall answer your question keeping you as a representative For an un-matured devotee, in which case only this possibility arises Neither God gives you such strength nor you can attain it by your effort Such state should be spontaneous and then only the Lord is pleased. Leave this mission, one day or other all have to separate and go

Then do you require the strength for such departure or not? The departure is inevitable even for the un-divine human beings If the blind love is accumulated day by day, just imagine that day When one has to depart from all his blind attractions in this world! Just on the deathbed, the Lord gives the last flash of knowledge By that you will realize the truth because at that junction of life and death One sees clearly both the worlds since the messengers of Lord Yama Stand before the person to pull out the subtle body from the gross body Then every one realizes that these bonds were absolutely unreal In that last few minutes the agony starts because the person thinks like this

"For these blind bonds I have spent all my energy and my life time, Who can not save me in this time, the saviour is not coming now because I have not spent my lifetime and energy for His mission when I was alive Now even if I wish to serve the Lord for His mission, there is no time When time was there this realization did not come, what could I do? "At that time the person is pained for foolishly having these bonds The person is not pained for leaving these bonds as you think now That situation will open the eyes of every human being in this world

If you are not pained to leave these bonds for the mission now When you are alive, you will not be pained at that last minute also, You realize now and be wise to leave the bonds with happiness You will have the same happiness at that time also to leave these bonds One day or other you have to leave the bonds without any mercy Why not leave the bonds now itself for the sake of the Lord and be saved? When you leave these bonds at that time you are not saved for leaving the bonds But if you leave the same bonds even before that time, you are saved always Is it not wise to do an inevitable thing now itself and get its benefit? Is it not foolishness to do the same inevitable thing then and loose everything?

please read

How to Worship God

How to Worship God

  • How to Worship God We will understand more clearly if we once get rid of the idea that religion consists in doctrines.One idea of religion has been that the whole world was born because Adam ate the apple,and there is no way of escape.Believe in Jesus Christ in a certain man's death!  
  • But in India there is quite a different idea. [Therel religion means realisation,nothing else.It does not matter whether one approaches the destination in a carriage with four horses, in an electric car,or rolling on the ground. The goal is the same.for the[Christians the problem is how to escape the wrath of the terrible God. For Indians it is how to become what they really are O to regain their lost selfhood
  • Have you realised that you are spirit When you say, 'I do what is meant by that-this lump of flesh called the body or the spirit,  the infinite,  ever blessed,  effulgent,  immortal?  You may be the greatest philosopher,  but as long as you have the idea that you are the body,  you are no better than the little worm crawling under your foot!  No excuse for you!  So much the worse for you that you know all the philosophies and at the same time think you are the body!  Body-gods,  that is what you are!  Is that religion?
  • Religion is the realisation of spirit as spirit.  What are we doing now?  Just the opposite,  realising spirit as matter.  Out of the immortal God we manufacture death and matter,  and out of dead dull matter we manufacture spirit.  If you[can realise Brahman]  by standing on your head,  or on one foot,  or by worshipping five thousand gods with three heads each-welcome to it!  Do it any way you can  Nobody has any right to say anything.Therefore,  Krishna says,  if your method is better and higher,  you have no business to say that another man's method is bad,  however wicked you may think it Again,we must consider,  religion is a[matter of]  growth,not a mass of foolish words.  All these people
  • fighting about what God's nature is whether He has three heads in one body or five heads in six bodies.  Have you seen God?  No.  And they do not believe they can ever see Him.  What fools we mortals be!  Sure,  lunatics!
  • Each one thinks his method is best.  Very good!  But remember,  it may be good for you.  One food which is very indigestible to one is very digestible to another.  Because it is good for you,  do not jump to the conclusion that your method is everybody's method,that Jack's coat fits John and Mary.All the uneducated,uncultured,  unthinking men and women have been put into that sort of strait jacket Think for yourselves.Become atheists!  Become materialists!That would be better.  Exercise the mind! What right have you to say that this man's method is wrong? It may be wrong for you.That is to say,if you undertake the method,  you will be degraded,but that does not mean that he will be degraded.Therefore,  says Krishna,if you have knowledge and see a man weak,  do not condemn him.  Go to his level and help him if you can

  • Shall we leave family for Lord?


  • GITA - Meditation on the Gita ( part 1
  • HOME REMEDIES ( Turmeric )
  • Gita says - Be Strong In Every Way

Sunday, April 24, 2016

You should not misunderstand the silence of God to your prayers in your problems or

.You should not misunderstand the silence of God to your prayers in your problems Why God is careful while granting boons? The treasure of God is infinite and will not exhaust by giving you some money

The treasure of God is infinite and will not exhaust by giving you some money. Similarly, if He cancels your sins, there is no body to question Him. Then, why is He delaying in giving money to you and in removing your problems by canceling all your sins? The reason is that His single aim is to transform you in to a divine soul. If He gives you money, what will be the change in your behavior? If He removes all your problems, what will be the change in the practical style of your life? If God is sure that there will be no change in your behavior, He will certainly make you wealthy and will remove all your problems.

 A doctor is careful to give sweets to a diabetic patient. If the sugar-level of the patient rises, the problem in treating the patient also is on the head of the doctor only. If you become wealthy and get rid of all problems, you may become an uncontrolled demon and disturb the society. You may be immersed in endless luxuries and fall down. In such case, to save the society and to save your self, God has to act. Therefore, God is careful in granting boons. Except this complication, God is not worried in any way because His power and wealth are infinite. If you can become a realized and liberated soul through the spiritual knowledge, then, there will be no change even if you become wealthy and happy. The spiritual knowledge is like the sugar tablet given to the patient in advance. In absence of such medicine in advance, the doctor will not give you more sweets since he is aware of your sugar (ego) level in your blood. Hence, you should not misunderstand the silence of God to your prayers in your problems.a

 Shri Akkalkot Maharaj asked the poor fellow to take only two serpents (gold roods), which are like the limited sweets allowed by the doctor for a diabetic patient. The poison of the serpents, which will be induced, is the ego and the spiritual knowledge is the medicine. The poor fellow was not having spiritual knowledge and therefore the Lord gave him limited sweets.

by sri datta shri

absolute knowledge of the absolute God is impossible

The absolute knowledge of the absolute God is impossible The absolute knowledge of the absolute God is impossible because the absolute God is unimaginable. The absolute God comes in human form to give you the experience of His existence, in absence of which, you may deny the very existence of the absolute God and may become atheist (Astitva ... .Veda). The identification of the human form in which the absolute God exists is the knowledge of God (Brahma Jnanam or Brahma Vidya). The experience of the existence of the absolute God does not reveal any trace of the nature of the absolute God and hence God is always unimaginable. The only information about the absolute God is that God exists. "Aum Tat Sat" means that God exists and no more information about God is available. The word Tat means that God is beyond your imagination. The word Aum denotes that God is the creator, ruler and destroyer of this world. These three adjectives indicate the works (Creation, rule and destruction) of God only and not the nature of the God. This is called as the information about the existence only (Sanmatra vada). God comes in human form, which is characterized by the awareness or chit.
The awareness is fully developed up to intelligence and therefore the human form is indicated and not birds and animals. Such human form (Chit) is not the information about God but it is the information about the medium selected by God to enter the world. Thus, the medium is only awareness (Chinmatra vada) and not the inert materials. The aim of Shankara is about the selection of the medium by the God to enter the world. The Advaita followers, who concluded that awareness itself is the absolute God, misunderstand this. God enters the world through human form for entertainment, since the very basic aim of the creation is only that according to Veda. Such entertainment gives Him continuous happiness (Ananda). Thus, the word Sat-Chit-Ananda denotes the absolute God entering the world for continuous entertainment through the human form.

sri sri datta sri


Practice early to bed and early to rise.  As soon as you get up,  wash your teeth and mouth,  only for two minutes and drink water at least one big glass upto one litre.  lf your body gets cold often, drink luke warm water

In order to keep fit,do Yoga or exercises for 45 chose Yoga,Suryanamaskara 5, Standing Asanas 3,Sitting asanas 3,Twist postures 3,Prone Posture 3 and supine nortura 3 Agnisara kriva for 3 minutes are preferred. Any Any two types of pranayama and finally Supth visranthi Asana(Savasan)  for 3 minutes,  are performed slowly and ste All these take only 45 minutes.  Healthy becomes healthier Yoga increases concentration and creates TENSION FREE state.  OR,  Walk 2-3 kilometers,  in a day

Take bath preferably in cold water.  If your body doesn't agree or if it is cold season,  take luke warm water.  In any case,  too cold or too hot is dangerous.

Rutha Bhuk,Hitha Bhuk,Mitha Bhuk. This means that we should consume food according to season. If it is summer season, spices or more sour food stuffs should not be taken.Take only such food stuffs which have more water contents.Ex:Water melon,Cucumber etc. Those food stuffs which are conducive to one self should be consumed and the quantity should neither be more nor less.

Don't postpone your nature's call for hours.  This results in ill health.  Look flying birds!  Do they go to clinic?

Always take fresh,  healthy and balanced food.Leave these two:  Hurry and worry.

If you have no peace of mind,  it is better not to take food.  Consume food with peace of mind slowly chewing well mixing saliva as there are no teeth in the stomach!

As soon as you finish your meal,clean the teeth and gums well.Brushing two times a day is a must.Gargling also if necessary

Take care of nails,  hair and skin.Maintain cleanliness.Practice to take breakfast after bath.

Wear washed dresses of terrycot, woolen during winter,  thin and loose dresses of cotton during summer according to season.

Try to limit the consumption of ghee,  butter and milk. Green vegetables and sprouted pulse like mung dal,  bengal gram,  green gram and salad of raw vegetables and fruits should form part of our daily food.

Avoid too much of salt,oily or spicy food. Onion and Garlic are good for easy digestion.  Limited sweet for Diabetic patients,  limited salt for B P patients and limited sour for Gastritis patients and Satvic food for Heart patients

Too much of polished rice is not recommended  Don't skip breakfast and lunch,  but dinner night food should be limited.  As per Yoga text"Annena purayeth Ardham Thoyena thu Thruteeyakam Udarasysa thrutheeyamsam samraksheth vayu charane".  This means half the stomach should be filled with solid food,  one third of the stomach should be filled with pure water and remaining should be kept empty for air circulation.

Cold beverages which are chemically preserved are dangerous.Raw sprouted pulse like green gram,horse gram, bengal gram or peas are good source protein If you are non-  vegetarian,  please note that only non-vegfood is not essential.

If there is fever,  don't take food at all.  If there is hunger have only liquid food like Pearl Sago or Sojee ganji or milk.

Once in a fortnight or at least one time int a week preferably Saturday night(because Sunday is a holiday),  fasting is necessary in order to keep fit yourself

Fried,  oily and Bakery foods should be taken only to satisfy taste buds,  not stomachful

Don't be slaves of smoking,  tobacco and alcoholic-drinks,  as these are injurious to health. Consume food only when you are hungry.If there is no hunger take only water 2 to 3 litres of water per day is a must for good health.Don't start your daily work without breakfast.

Inhale and exhale pure air through nose only. Let there be sufficient ventilation to the house and open the windows of your bed room.Don't cover the bed sheet on your face.

The height of pillow should not be too much. The pillow should not be too heighted

Physical health depends on mental hea Always try to bein Tension Free State.  Diabetes, BP, Asthma,  Cancer are all psycho-somatic diseases.

Suptha Visranthi Asana or savasana is a must for 5 minutes when you are tired.  If you are suffering from wheezing or cough,  take rest in Makarasana.  Makarasna means lay down on your stomach and take rest.  Cough stops immediately

Thank q

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Bhagavad gita ( what is the karma yoga )

Work when performed as a spiritual discipline is called karma yoga.It is the predominant topic of the Bhagavad Gita,though the book deals with other yogas as well.The purpose of the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita is to solve a moral problem.Krishna,an avatara,was the teacher, and Arjuna,a war rior, the disciple.There was a bitter quarrel between two royal families of cousins.The family to which Arjuna belonged was the more righteous.Truth and justice were at stake,and Arjuna was determined to defend them.At first Krishna and wise men tried their utmost to make a peaceful settlement,  but on account of the intransigeance of the other family,  they failed.War became inevitable. Among the combatants on both sides Arjuna found brothers,uncles,teachers, sons, nephews, and friends whom he was bound by a thousand ties of love respect, and affection. Clearly foreseeing that the destruction accompanying the war would be followed by family disinte- gration and social chaos,he was reluctant to accept the res ponsibility,and said to Krishna that he would like to retire from the battlefield, go into a forest,  and lead the life of a religious mendicant.  Confused he asked Krishna to show him the path of duty

GITA - Meditation on the Gita ( part 1 )

Arjuna's dilemma was caused by his confusion about the two ideals which,from time out of mind,have moulded the Hindu pattern of life.These are the disciplines of action and renunciation,distinctly laid down for two types of mind.The discipline of action is followed by the majority of men.who believe in social obligations and who do not explain away the world and the individual ego as unreal.  They seek happiness here and hereafter.But a few persons who realise self-know-ledge to be the supreme duty of life and who are convinced of the transitory nature of all material experiences either on earth or in heaven follow the discipline of renunciation.and seek liberation from bondage to the phenomenal world.Both disciplines are necessary to preserve the social stability:but their spheres must not be confused. Arjuna obviously was not ready for the discipline of renunciation because he was con- scious of his duty to society and was still attached to his relatives and friends,  whose death he anticipated with sorrow Certainly he had not attained that spiritual elevation from which one sees the illusory nature of worldly values good o evil.He talked about renunciation only as an escape from the unpleasant duties of life krishna characterised this attitude as lowness of spirit,  unbecoming a noble mind, and detrimental to the attainment of heaven, which every warrior covets.'  He advised arjuna to plunge into action and fight in a spirit of non-attachment: "He who sees non-action in action, and action in non-action,  he is wise among he is a yogi,  and he is the doer of all actions.' 'He who is free from the notion of egotism,  and whose understanding is undefiled-  though he slavs these men,  he really slays them not nor is he stained by the result of slaying.This non attachment is the secret of work as a spiritual characterise Mere karma or action is different from karma-yoga or action as a spiritual discipline.Karma is what is done,  a deed.  Activity is seen everywhere,  both in physical nature and in man.  Nature is active;for one sees activity in the stars and the planets,trees and rocks;space itself is vibrating.And there is something in the very make-up of man--the spirit of rajas-which drives him into action in spite of himself.His body is active when he is awake his mind is active,both in the wak-ing and dream states;and his heart,lungs,and other organs are always active,even in deep sleep.The body cannot be kept alive if one remains inactive.The preservation of the social order,too,demands constant and vigilant action.Even religious disciplines,such as prayer,worship,and meditation,are forms of activity.Though actionlessness may characterise a certain form of spiritual experience,it cannot be attained without previous practice of the discipline of action

By means of action,  according to Hindu promotes a harmonious relationship between men,the deities and subhuman beings,and thus keeps the"wheel of creation,moving. All created beings are interdependent and sustain one another by their actions.  Thus action has a cosmic significance. He who ignores the cosmic significance of action and works only for his selfish purpose lives in vain."He who cooks only for himself eats sin.' According to the Bhagavad Gita,  when the Lord, in the beginning,  created men,  He planted in them a propensity for action and gave the mandate that they should not only multiply by work but also thereby fulfil their desires for happiness.

God bless you all
Krishnam vande jagadgurum

please visit

How to Worship God
Gita's significance

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Gita's significance

Gita's Timeless significance How important and relevant is the message of the bhagavad gita today?might as well ask the question important relevant or and is the sun today!Or the air the water? Or all the elements of nature In other words,the term relevance today'in the context of the Gita is redundant and rather bemusing.

Having said this, we should also confess that like the importance of air-water-earth-and-all-else, the message of Gita also needs to be restated again and again,  until we are able to live our lives according to it.  The message by itself has never been irrelevant and out of place.  cannot. Based as it is on the solid rock of the eternal principles underlying the human personality, life and its ultimate purpose,  the Gita is becoming ever more relevant in today's context. In today's world of growing consumerism and rising violence leading to restlessness,  anxiety and confusion in life-Gita's teachings are becoming even more significant than bef. They are an eternal spring of wisdom required for developing right judgement,emotional balance,  strength and for discovering the ultimate destination of human life.such is the appeal of gita s message that there is hardly anyone who has known something of Hinduism and India and has not read the gita All the great acharyas that India has produced as well as numerous men and women from diverse fields of life have commented on Gita.  One compelling truth about Gita is its pan-Hindu universality.  It is accepted by all Hindu sects as authoritative.Gita's glories, like the truth it preaches,  are eternal and unending

You no doubt need money for your worldly life: but don't worry too much about it.The wise course is to accept what comes of its own accord. Don't take too much trouble to save money. Those who surrender their hearts and souls to God,those who are devoted to Him and have taken refuge in Him,  do not worry much about money.As they earn,so they spend.  The money comes in one way and goes out the other. This is what the Gita describes as"accepting what comes of its own accord.

As is the disease,  so must the remedy be.  The Lord says in the Gita: 'O Arjuna,take refuge in Me.  I shall deliver you from all sins.Take shelter at His feet He will give you right understanding. He will take entire responsibility for you.  Then you will get rid of the typhoid.Can one ever know God with such a mind as this?  Can one pour four seers of milk into a one-seer pot?  Can we ever know God unless He lets us know Him? Therefore says take shelter in God.  Let Him do whatever He likes. He is self willed.  What power is there in a man?

Haven't you read the Gita?  One truly realizes God if one performs one's worldly duties in a detached spirit,  if one lives in the world after realizing that everything is illusory.

You must read bhagavad gita

Sri Krishnam vande jagadgurum
God bless you all

please visit

How to Worship God
Bhagavad gita ( what is the karma yoga )

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Ideal of Gita

The Gita not only speaks of the goal of life's journey but also of various stages of the journey.  It teaches one how to counter problems and challenges of life and also how to be preventive with regard to various crises and emergencies of life.  This,  of course,  it does not do by asking us to take an insurance cover but by asking us to develop right orientation to life and by equipping ourselves with strength and faith.  The real happiness,  says the Gita,  is not in acquiring the objects of sense pleasure but in training our senses.  If we do not train our senses,  we become slaves to them.  And what can a slave expect from a master from a ruthless master?  When one develops self-control through proper training and patience,  one develops a peaceful mind-  this,  and not meaningless acquisition and reckless pampering of senses and ego,  is the real source of happiness.  It is not just temporary'peace of mind'  that Gita speaks of but getting established in Peace with a capital P.  It teaches us how to seek it and become free from a sorrow forever.  In the tranquillity of mind,  all sorrow is destroyed.  For the intellect of him,  who is tranquil-minded,  is soon established in firm ness.

Contrary to what popular consumerist culture advocates,  Gita's way to peace and joy is to search for it within.  Sri Krishna describes a man who has found this inner source thus:  whose happiness is within,  whose relaxation is within,  whose light is within,  that Yogi alone,  becoming Brahman,  gains absolute freedom.

In another place,  the Gita describes three types of joys originating from three gunas namely,  sattua,  rajas and lamas:  That which is like poison at first,  but like nectar at the end:  that happiness is declared to be sattuika,  born of translucence of intellect due to Self-realisation.  That which arises from the contact of objects of senses,  at first like nectar,  but at the end like poison,  that happiness is declared to be rajasik That happiness which begins and results in self-delusion arising from sleep,  indolence,  and miscomprehension,  that is declared to be tamasika

In his evolutionary march towards greater wisdom and maturity,  man learns and progresses from tamasika to rajasika happiness and to sattvika happiness and even beyond.  This happiness is not inviting at the beginning but seeking which it finally leads one to a joy which is free from all remorse,  guilt and anxiety.  It is the pure joy of our being.  In Gita is found the message not only of personal development but a plan for collective good and development,  Sri Krishna cautions all men, especially leaders and elders,  to be careful in whatever they do.Freedom entails is not mere freedom to act but the freedom to be that is vital and necessary for growth and true well-being.  Says Gita

In one of the verses in praise of Gita that appears in an auxiliary work,  Sri Krishna says. 'Gita is My heart The word Gita itself means a song and when it comes from the heart of God,  it should be taken to mean the best advice Sri Krishna,  the Godhead personified,  has to give to anyone.  Of course,  whatever God gives is best and good for others but we should not forget that when a man is joyful,  he bursts into a humming melody and a song,  emerges from his heart.  It may be the song that he has heard and admired earlier or a song which he composes impromptu.  Singing a song is thus a spontaneous outburst of a joyful heart.  In the same way,  Gita,  Sri Krishna's outpouring in the form of his song,  the Song of God,  is born of joyfulness and goodwill.  And it comes from God's heart.  In other words,  the Gita is born of His deep concern and love for humanity.

Krishnam vande jagadgurum
God bless you all

please visit
Gita's significance
Bhagavad gita ( what is the karma yoga )
How to Worship God

Monday, April 11, 2016

An Everyday Appeal What does Gita contain?

Everyday Appeal What does Gita contain?  It contains everything that a person wariting to live a life of meaning and fulfilment would like to know.  A popular verse on Gita compares its message to milk of the cow called the Upanishads. Milk is the best part of a cow.  It has a rich supply of all essential vitamins and other nutrients that a staple food should contain. Again,  milk can also be consumed directly or by converting it to other forms such as butter, curds and buttermilk.

The Gita-milk too has all the ingredients necessary to make it a perfect drink for moral and spiritual nourishment without which no healthy living is possible.  The Gita milk enriches the malnourished human mind
by frequently reminding it of the undyingself that lies at the core of human personality.  A mere idea of the eternity of the Self itself brings a grea t solace to the despairing heart.  Yes,  we might face troubles in life,  commit mistakes and fall into crises but there is Something in us which is never affected by all this.  What gets affected is mind and this mind can be trained and disciplined to overcome these influences.  It can be purified and strengthened.  A spiritually educated mind is always fixed on the self and that state of steadiness is the source of unending joy,  strength and peace.  Using a clear and exact language,  Gita helps us to reach that state and quietly tells that reaching that state is the goal of life.


You should not misunderstand the silence of God to your prayers in your problems or

absolute knowledge of the absolute God is impossible

This ultimate ideal of life is stated in various way Self-realization,  knowing the Brahman,  becoming a Yogi getting established in God-consciousness,  going the gunas,  gaining perfect control over senses and the mind,  perfecting one's devotion and so on.  In Gita one finds an amazing wealth of expressions to denote spiritual perfection and a mere reading about it can be a rewarding experience.  Rightly did Gandhiji call it his'spiritual dictionary.  All spiritual concepts and shades of meaning can be found in the Gita.

The Gita milk also nourishes one with the knowledge of various paths to reach that state discusses in depth the subtleties of human needs and frailties and how to gradually overcome them.  Like a mother,  it holds our hands gently but firmly and teaches us to walk the path of inner peace and fulfilment.  One might stumble and slip here and there,  but the Gita,  the Mother,  is always present to help us stand up and walk the path of perfection again.

Gita not only accommodates but also harmonises all paths.  A Bhakta has as much to learn from the Gita as a Unani or a Yogi or a man of action.  In Gita one finds a grand harmony of all Yogas and a possibility for discovering new ways to reach the highest state of being.  What about those who seem least interested in any path?  Whose minds are not clear if they should take a path or not?  It is My path that men tread in all ways,  4 says Sri Krishna.  Even the pathless ones?  Yes,  because even the pathless ones,  too,  seek happiness, peace and security in life.  There is no one who seeks unhappiness,  turmoil and insecurity. Hence,  all men,  even those who are not spiritual seekers in the conventional sense,  are seeking God alone though their definition and concept of God may not be as explicitly stated as a spiritually educated man would do.  Gita has enough to teach even them.

Gita's teachings are accessible,  acceptable and applicable to all seekers of Truth.  Since they were delivered just before the beginning of the Mahabharata War which is symbolic of the inner war between our good and bad tendencies--the Gita easily becomes related to the harsh realities of everyday life.  The advice that Sri Krishna gives to Arjuna sounds so reasonable and applicable that one never feels the aloofness and other-worldliness that is often associated with many other scriptures.  As Gita deals with certain everlasting issues of life-the true purpose of life,  solving moral dilemmas,  taming the restless mind,  learning the art of doing actions without getting attached,  understanding love,  compassion,  charity and so on.  occupies a central position among the scriptural traditions of the world.

Krishnam vande jagadgurum
God bless you all

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Glamorizes lifestyle.

We live in a culture that hugely glamorizes lifestyle. Indeed, an entire gamut of products are called lifestyle products - things that are not necessities, but that we imagine to be necessities due to the cultural pressure to appear trendy, cool, hip.

Living to possess and parade such things is a lifestyle that eats into our life, making us into something like performing robots. Our life simply becomes reduced to a performance for gaining some applause or at least admiration from others. Unfortunately, the applause often does not come - and certainly not as much as we crave for it. And others' admiration for us is more often than not concealed

We sometimes feel a hole within - a sense of emptiness that gnaws especially when we are not deadening ourselves internally with the racehorse pace and the mindless entertainment of our times.

What is the cause of the hole?

The absence of the Whole, the Supreme Absolute Truth, Krishna.

The Bhagavad-gita (15.07) indicates that we are parts of Krishna. As parts of the all-blissful Supreme Being, we gain complete fulfillment by harmonizing with him through loving service.

Unfortunately, we refuse to play the part of the part. Being misled by our mind and senses, we imagine ourselves to be the whole. Or rather, we believe that fulfilling the desires of the mind and senses will make us satisfied, that is, whole. However, mental and sensual gratification can never fill the inner hole.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Who generally recognize Lord in Human form?

Who generally recognize Lord in Human form?

Every human being is equal for the God in the human incarnation. The recognition depends only on the purity of mind. The Sun reflects in clear water but does not reflect on the charcoal. When the God is not reflected, the human incarnation appears as an ordinary human being only. The Lord also will not try to impress all the human beings about His divinity. If the situation is plain like this, there is no problem, but some deserving devotees recognize the Lord due to their pure minds. Generally the liberated souls who have accompanied the Lord in His mission recognize Him spontaneously and straightly enter into the service without any doubt or proof for the divinity.

The second type of devotees who are not liberated souls but achieved the purity of mind through rituals or social service recognize the Lord but are unable to enter into service because of the lack of liberation from the worldly bonds. The third type of people observes the Lord but treats Him as the human being only because their minds are impure with jealousy and egoism. The whole problem starts when the third type of people hear the first two types speaking that the human incarnation is God. Now the reaction starts in the minds of this third type of people.

They can not accept Him as God due to the impurity of their minds and therefore start mocking at these two types of devotees. If the jealousy and egoism of these people is at the climax level, they start mocking the human incarnation also along with those devotees. If such people are strong atheists, they start even abusing the human incarnation. The atheists have no faith even in the existence of God. They reject the miracles as magic. If the experienced miracles are magic, why not the experienced scientific experiments also are magic? Why the experienced world is also not a magic?