Thursday, March 31, 2016

Why Lord told love one another? (french)

Pourquoi Seigneur a dit à l'amour les uns les autres?

Le Seigneur donne le stress sur les dévots à traverser la différence entre le bien et le mal fait face dans le monde. Vous devriez montrer le même amour et la bonté à la fois bonnes et mauvaises personnes et l'amour aussi des amis et des ennemis de la même manière. Si vous louez une bonne personne et un ami et grondez une mauvaise personne et de l'ennemi, vous avez échoué dans le Yoga. Demain, quand vous atteignez le Seigneur dans la forme humaine, Il apparaîtra mauvais et vous endommager comme tout. Ensuite, vous grondez le Seigneur aussi. Par exemple, les dévots de Vishnu critiquent le Seigneur Shiva, puisque le Seigneur Shiva apparaît avec les qualités de Tamas.

Ceci est très important essence Gita que l'on va réussir dans les épreuves du Seigneur sous forme humaine seulement s'il se lève au-dessus des trois qualités (Satvam, Rajas et Tamas). Par conséquent, vous ne devriez pas être dérangé par les qualités négatives ou qualités positives dans le monde comme l'insulte et l'honneur, l'inimitié et l'amitié, la perte et profit, la misère et le bonheur etc (Gunanetanatetyatrin-Gita). Seul un tel dévot peut réussir les tests du Seigneur et peut plaire au Seigneur. Cet état de yukta, qui est la dernière étape du Yoga, est appelé comme la vraie sanyasa.

Ici, le mot sanyasa ne signifie pas que les indications externes comme tissu de safran, de quitter la maison etc (Naniragnih-Gita). Le Sanyasin est cette personne qui a complètement tout et chacun sacrifié pour le bien du service du Seigneur. Ces Sanyasin ou yukta seuls peuvent être pleinement bénis par le Seigneur et entre dans le cercle intérieur du Seigneur (Brahmabhuyaya-Gita).

Why Lord told love one another?

Why Lord told love one another?

The Lord is giving stress on the devotees to cross the difference between good and bad faced in the world. You should be showing the same love and kindness to both good and bad people and also love friends and enemies in the same way. If you praise a good person and a friend and scold a bad person and enemy, you have failed in the Yoga. Tomorrow when you reach the Lord in the human form, He will appear bad and damage you like any. Then you will scold the Lord also. For example the devotees of Vishnu criticise Lord Siva, since Lord Siva appears with the qualities of Tamas.

This is very important essence of Gita that one will succeed in the tests of the Lord in human form only if he raises himself above the three qualities (Satvam, Rajas and Tamas). Therefore you should not be disturbed by the negative qualities or positive qualities in the world like insult and honour, enmity and friendship, loss and benefit, misery and happiness etc (Gunanetanatetyatrin-Gita). Only such devotee can succeed the tests of the Lord and can please the Lord. This yukta state, which is the final stage of the Yoga, is called as the real sanyasa.

Here the word sanyasa does not mean the external indications like saffron cloth, leaving the house etc (Naniragnih-Gita). The sanyasin is that person who has completely sacrificed everything and everyone for the sake of the service to the Lord. Such sanyasin or yukta alone can be fully blessed by the Lord and enters the innermost circle of the Lord (Brahmabhuyaya-Gita).

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Miracle is a very dangerous hurdle to all human beings in the spiritual path.

Miracle is a very dangerous hurdle to all human beings in the spiritual path.

The main aim of unimaginable events called as miracles is only to prove the existence of unimaginable God to the atheists, who are always fond of experimental proof for the existence of God

Lakhs of miracles are performed by thousands of human incarnations in presence of millions of human beings of all countries in the world.

Devotee told: Swami! What can I do? I am always surrounded by the worldly problems.

Shri Swami Continued: I am not blaming you for this present stage, which is inevitable in the beginning for any devotee in this world. I am only blaming you for sitting in this beginning state only throughout your life. I do not tell that this beginning state is wrong and should not exist in this world. I do not tell that LKG class is wrong and should be removed from every school. The beginning stage is always associated with defect like the fire in the lit state is always associated with black smoke (Sarvaarambhaahi ... Gita). But, after some time, the black smoke disappears and the fire burns with its real radiation. I blame the fire if it continuously burns surrounded by the black smoke. You should fan the fire with hand fan to remove the black smoke.

My message to you is like that hand fan to remove your ignorance so that you will go to the UKG class. If you sit in LKG class only throughout your life, it is not correct. I do not tell that the LKG class is wrong and should be removed from all the schools. LKG should not be removed and should be maintained in all the schools forever so that fresh students join it every year as the old students pass and leave the class. You should not sit in it forever. It is mentioned as the beginning state, in which people seek solutions from God for their problems and this state is called as Aaarta, the first step (Aaarto Jijnaasuh ... Gita). The second state is called as Jijnaasu, which is the stage of analysis to find out the truth.

This is the reason to say that the miracles spoil the devotees on one side and the performer also on the other side like a double edged knife cutting both sides. As the worldly problems are solved, more and more aspiration rises in the mind, which is not subsided by the solutions of some initial problems. The rising aspiration brings more thirst for solutions of more problems. If you pour ghee in fire, the fire will not be satisfied and get subsided. Instead, the fire rises above more and more (Na kaamah kamaabhogaanaam ...). Hence, the miracles solving your problem encourage your aspiration and attachment to the worldly bonds more and more. This is in the direction of spiritual fall of the devotees.

After getting some solutions through miracles, these devotees surround the performer more and more worshipping and praising him as God. If the performer is not strong in his realization, he will be gripped by the ego. The performer may be a devoted human being or human incarnation. The devotee or the human being-component of the human incarnation can be caught by the ego and falls. Thus, the miracle leads to the fall of devotee on one side and fall of the performer on the other side. Hence, miracle is a very dangerous hurdle to all human beings in the spiritual path.

The main aim of unimaginable events called as miracles is only to prove the existence of unimaginable God to the atheists, who are always fond of experimental proof for the existence of God. Lakhs of miracles are performed by thousands of human incarnations in presence of millions of human beings of all countries in the world. These atheists without careful examination and analysis of these genuine miracles, always reject these miracles in one stroke by calling them as cheap magic. This is due to solidified rock of their rigid ignorance, ego and jealousy.

Even God can not change them and God said that you should not move them and no transformation is possible in them at any time (Nigrahah kim karishyati ... Gita). If you throw stone on mud pond, the mud jumps back and falls on you only. These few dozens of atheists think that these millions of theists are fools without proper observation and correct analysis. In fact, these atheists actually do not observe these genuine miracles with patience to find out the truth through analysis. They are never in search of the truth with open hearts like true scientists. They are always prejudiced with conservative ignorance and always search the ways to prove the genuine miracle as petty magic. Of course, they can try to do so, but, if they fail in such effort, they should accept the truth, which stands opposite to them. They force the truth to come to their side only and like to always see the success of their side only by defeating millions of people of the other side. This is the only purpose of miracle. Of course, apart from this, a genuine miracle is also performed by God in the case of true devotees, who do not aspire any fruit from God. The miracle in such a deserving case will not spoil the true devotee in any way.

You must know that the performer of the miracle does not repeat it in the case of undeserving devotees. The actual secret is that the performer can not do the miracle by His will and pleasure unless God in Him permits to do any miracle. If the current is switched off, the fan can never move. People do not know this and blame the human incarnation for its partiality. It is not partiality, but, it is the inability of the human being component of the human incarnation.

 A human incarnation by name Pundi Baba (near Arunachaleshwaram) turned an iron rod in to golden rod by just looking at it and gave to a poor deserving devotee. Other rich and bad devotees forced Baba to do the same miracle for their sake. Baba refused and was beaten by them seriously and Baba's hands were wounded deeply. In the place of Baba, if a pure human being without possessed God exists with ability of such miracle, he will repeat the miracle to save his life from the cruel devotees!

Of course, the devotees worshipping the human incarnations must not see this inability of the human being-component and should feel that the human form of God is not willing to do that miracle because God is identified with the human form. At the same time, the human being component should realize in His mind the truth of His inability without God's permission and should not be gripped by ego at anytime. The human being component should not express His inability to its devotees, which will spoil their faith in the human incarnation. However, sometimes, the God component may express this inability to test the faith of His devotees! Hence, in the case of any devotee, devotion without aspiration for any miraculous fruit from God is very much essential in the spiritual path.

All do not-have the Ability to Identify the human incarnation

All do not-have the Ability to Identify the human incarnation

The second address of God is the real devotee as Said by the sage Narada in the Bhaktisutra (Tanmayaa hi te).

The Lord identified Himself with His real devotee aussi

Your Service shoulds to be alive and not only items to the inert items

Cheating the devotees in the name of the Lord is very bad sin

The Lord is pleased with your services directly to Himself through the human incarnation since the Service Reaches Him Directly

The Lord is more pleased with your services to His devotees, though it is indirect

Your Service shoulds to be living and not to non-living
Question) Your knowledge aussi stresses on the service in the task of propagation of knowledge & to sacrifice alive human incarnation for pleasing God, since the pleasure Can Be Observed in the face of human incarnation alive. After the exit of Any human incarnation alive the possibility of direct service for subsequent Such devotees Who will believe in the knowledge May not be there, since the medium receiving send recevoir service is no more available. Can You Clarify please is this?

Shri Swami Replied: The human incarnations will APPEAR in every generation of the humanoid. If the donor is available, where is the scarcity of beggars! (While dictating this, Shri Phani Told que le human incarnation is the real human donor and the donor is the beggar). It is okay que la Lord is the real donor, purpose the Lord HAS fascination to enjoy in all roles. Hence, He takes the role of a beggar aussi to-have variety or change in the entertainment. The Lord always won and the demons always ran [away] from Him. The Lord got the fascination to enjoy the role of a runner also. Lord Krishna started running after-seeing the demon called Expired Kælayavana and Fulfilled His desire for variety in entertainment. All do not-have the Ability to Identify the human incarnation. The Therefore, the second address of God is the real devotee as Said by the sage Narada in the Bhaktisutra (Tanmayaa hi te). The Lord identified Himself with His real devotee also. In fact, the second address is more beloved to the Lord. The Lord Did not mind His personal abuse Given by the demon Hiranyakasipu, goal, est devenu very furious When His devotee, Prahlada, Was abused by le même demon. The basic concept here is your Service That shoulds to be alive and not only items to the inert items.

Some selfish cheaters exploit your Service from the backside Advising you to do services to inert items Representing em as models for the Lord. The concept of representative models is not bad for the beginners at least, purpose, cheating the devotees in the name of the Lord is very bad sin.

The Lord is pleased with your services directly to Himself through the human incarnation since the Service Reaches Him directly. The Lord is more pleased with your services to His devotees, though it is indirect. The Lord is not at all pleased with your services done to His representative models inert though the concept is not very objectionable, qui is used to Develop theoretical devotion. You will be pleased When You are served directly. But, you will be more pleased When Your beloved son is served, though you do not Receive That department directly. The common item in Both the services Is That You serve items alive. If somebody says he worships That your photo, will you be so much pleased? You or your son will enjoy the sweet offert by l'autre person. If the person says Sami That he offers the sweet to your picture every day (himself swallowing That sweet partner after the offer) are you pleased? God est pleased if you offer food to a poor person hungry and save His Life so That he will-have opportunity to Become a devotee of God.

All boxes thesis stress on the basic concept That your department shoulds to be living and not to non-living. Of course, to serve undeserving items aussi alive is a sin and shoulds be Avoided by discrimination through analysis (Samvidaa deyam- Veda). It is the responsibility of your faculty of intelligence to Identify the real human incarnation and real devotee. Risk linked with everything in this world and shoulds be Avoided only by careful and sharp analysis.

Neither God nor the soul while the body Suffers Suffers

Neither God nor the soul while the body Suffers Suffers

The Gita differentiates the soul and body In the Beginning so That You will slowly Differentiate from God body and soul. Even in the human incarnation, the soul is disconnected from the problems of the body as in the case of a Human Being Realized. Since we have body Identify the soul and God as the Human Being, qui est Understood Both have soul and body, we misunderstand the concept.

We think que la soul Suffers Suffers When the body. We think That God Suffers Suffers When the body and soul we assume que la est Suffering since our souls Suffer Identifying Themselves with our bodies. Neither God nor the soul while the body Suffers Suffers in the case of human incarnation. Due to Lack of this realization, we mistake Sathya Sai Baba as His Body and Soul and The Therefore, we think That He is Suffering. If the shirt is cut by a blade, underline the banyan tree is not cut and not to speak of the innermost Human Being. If We Understand this, we will Realize That Jesus Did not Suffer on the cross and Krishna Did not Suffer while the bleeding continued on His football.
No longer ones

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Y at-il une relation entre le yoga et l'amour? (french)

Question: Y at-il une relation entre le yoga et l'amour?

Certainement; il existe une relation profonde.

Yoga, avec ses avantages pour la santé extraordinaires, a acquis une renommée mondiale aujourd'hui. Le mot «yoga» vient de la racine 'yug', qui est similaire au mot anglais «joug» et signifie «connecter» ou «lien». Le Patanjali Yoga-Sutra, qui est le guide fondamental pour le yoga, explique que le yoga dans son intégralité comprend huit étapes et est donc appelé ashtanga-yoga (ashta - huit, anga - membres). Ce qui est populaire comme le yoga aujourd'hui est en fait l'un des huit étapes nommées asana. Le Yoga-Sutra indique également que la phase finale du yoga est appelé samadhi: l'amour, l'absorption trancelike sur le Seigneur dans le cœur.

L'ancienne védique sagesse tradition qui nous a donné le Yoga-Sutra nous rappelle que le yoga peut offrir des cadeaux beaucoup plus grande que la guérison du corps ou même calmer l'esprit. Dans sa forme la plus évoluée, le yoga peut satisfaire notre besoin plus intime: l'amour.

Plus de trésors et des plaisirs, des positions et possessions, notre désir le plus profond est l'amour; nous voulons tous d'aimer et d'être aimé. De nos jours, l'amour est souvent réduite à l'interaction physique entre les gens. Mais le véritable amour est une connexion au-delà des corps, au-delà de l'esprit, au-delà même les âmes. Le véritable amour nous permet de se connecter avec d'autres à une dimension éternelle en centrant notre relation sur l'origine de tout amour: le tout attrayant, Seigneur tout-aimant.

Cet art de centrage et reliant notre amour est appelé bhakti. Il est la sagesse universelle qui sous-tend et unifie toutes les grandes sagesse-traditions du monde. Bhakti nous permet d'accorder notre conscience afin que nous puissions recevoir de l'amour du Seigneur qui est au cœur de la création et ensuite rayonner cet amour à tous ceux que nous contactons, enrichissant ainsi beaucoup, beaucoup de coeurs d'amour-affamés avec la chaleur et la joie. Pas étonnant alors que bhakti est appelé le yoga de l'amour.

Comme bhakti nous emmènent plus efficacement à samadhi, le stade ultime du yoga, le Seigneur Krishna dans la Bhagavad-Gita (6.47) stipule explicitement que bhakti-yoga est la plus haute tous les yogas: «De tous les yogis, l'une avec une grande foi qui demeure toujours en moi, pense à moi en lui-même, et rend le service transcendantale amour pour moi est le plus intimement uni avec moi dans le yoga et est le plus élevé de tous. "

Le Seigneur est si désireux de satisfaire notre faim pour l'amour qu'il se rend entièrement disponible pour nous comme ses saints noms - en particulier le chant d'amour, le mahamantra Hare Krishna. Lorsque nous chantons devotionally les saints noms, nous relions simultanément avec Dieu (yoga), et aussi l'expression de notre amour pour Dieu et exeriencing son amour pour nous. Ainsi, en reliant l'âme de l'amour en quête de l'amour rayonnant Supersoul, chant constitue le pinacle du yoga de l'amour.

Is there any relationship between yoga and love?

Question: Is there any relationship between yoga and love?

Certainly; there is a deep relationship.

Yoga, with its extraordinary health benefits, has achieved global acclaim today. The word 'yoga' comes from the root 'yug', which is similar to the English word 'yoke' and means to 'connect' or 'link'. The Patanjali Yoga-Sutra, which is the foundational guidebook for yoga, explains that yoga in its completeness comprises eight stages and so is called ashtanga-yoga (ashta - eight, anga - limbs). What is popular as yoga today is actually just one of the eight stages named asana. The Yoga-Sutra also states that the final stage of yoga is called samadhi: loving, trancelike absorption on the Lord in the heart.

The ancient Vedic wisdom-tradition that gave us the Yoga-Sutra reminds us that yoga can offer gifts far greater than healing the body or even calming the mind. In its most evolved form, yoga can fulfill our innermost need: love.

More than treasures and pleasures, positions and possessions, our deepest longing is for love; all of us want to love and to be loved. Nowadays, love is often reduced to the bodily interaction between people. But real love is a connection beyond bodies, beyond minds, beyond even the souls. True love enables us to connect with others at an eternal dimension by centering our relationship on the origin of all love: the all-attractive, all-loving Lord.

This art of centering and connecting our love is called bhakti. It is the universal wisdom that underlies and unifies all the great wisdom-traditions of the world. Bhakti empowers us to tune our consciousness so that we can receive love from the Lord who is at the heart of the creation and then radiate that love to all whom we contact, thus enriching many, many love-starved hearts with warmth and joy. No wonder then that bhakti is called the yoga of love.

As bhakti take us most efficaciously to samadhi, the ultimate stage of yoga, Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita (6.47) states explicitly that bhakti-yoga is the topmost all yogas: "Of all yogis, the one with great faith who always abides in me, thinks of me within himself, and renders transcendental loving service to me is the most intimately united with me in yoga and is the highest of all. "

The Lord is so eager to satisfy our hunger for love that he makes himself fully available to us as his holy names - especially the chant of love, the Hare Krishna mahamantra. When we devotionally chant the holy names, we are simultaneously linking with God (yoga), and are also expressing our love for God and exeriencing his love for us. Thus, by linking the love-seeking soul with the love-radiating Supersoul, chanting constitutes the pinnacle of the yoga of love.

Monday, March 14, 2016

La forme humaine est si précieuse french

La forme humaine est si précieuse ...

«La vie humaine est la possibilité de tomber en amour avec Krishna."

Srimad Bhagavatam explique trois caractéristiques de la vérité absolue - Brahman, Parmatma et Bhagavan. Brahman est l'imprègne tout, la lumière apparemment impersonnel qui imprègne tout, la manifestation apparemment informes de la vérité absolue. Paramatma est le Seigneur qui est présent partout et assis dans le cœur de chaque être vivant, comme le témoin et le guide ultime. Et Bhagavan est la personnalité suprême de la divinité qui a une forme éternelle qui est plein de bonheur et de la connaissance! Ce formulaire est pas de ce monde. Il est purement spirituel.

Certaines personnes, ne comprenant pas le principe de la vraie spiritualité, penser pourquoi Dieu aurait une forme comme nous? Ils pensent, "Ceci est une sorte d'anthropomorphisme ou une sorte de symbolisme et de l'analogie que Dieu est livré avec deux bras et il a des amies et petits amis et la mère et le père. Il vient pour nous apprendre quelque chose, pas de doutes, mais cela ne peut pas être Dieu ".

La Bible dit que l'homme est fait à l'image de Dieu. Nos acharyas nous disent que l'être humain est l'espèce qui a la capacité d'éveiller l'amour de Dieu. Il y a 8.400.000 espèces de la vie et à l'exception des humains d'autres ne peuvent pas enquêter sur la nature de la vérité. Par les bénédictions de Dieu, par les humains des autres espèces peuvent se purifier, mais ils ne disposent pas que le libre arbitre. La forme humaine est le crescendo de la création dans le sens que nous avons le pouvoir de Saranagati - la remise à la vérité absolue.

"Durlabha manava-janma labhiya samsare", Bhakti Vinod Thakur explique que cette vie humaine est si rare, nous ne devrions pas gaspiller. Il est si précieux. La vie humaine est la possibilité de tomber en amour avec Krishna. Notre acharyas explique que Krishna a effectivement convenu que cette espèce de vie est dans sa forme de sorte qu'il est facile de tomber en amour avec Lui.

Human form is so precious

Human form is so precious ...

"Human life is the facility to fall in love with Krishna."

Srimad Bhagavatam explains three features of the Absolute truth - Brahman, Parmatma and Bhagavan. Brahman is the all-pervading, apparently impersonal light that pervades everything, the apparently formless manifestation of the absolute truth. Paramatma is the Lord who is present everywhere and seated in the heart of every living being, as the witness and the ultimate guide. And Bhagavan is the supreme personality of Godhead who has an eternal form which is full of bliss and knowledge! That form is not of this world. It is purely spiritual.

Some people, not understanding the principle of true spirituality, think why would God have a form like us? They think, "This is some sort of anthropomorphism or some sort of symbolism and analogy that God comes with two arms and He has girlfriends and boyfriends and mother and father. He is coming to teach us something, no doubts, but this can not be God. "

The bible tells that man is made in the image of God. Our acharyas tell us that the human being is the species that has the capacity to awaken love of God. There are 8,400,000 species of life and except humans others can not inquire into the nature of truth. By the blessings of God, through humans the other species can become purified, but they do not have that free will. The human form is the crescendo of creation in the sense that we have the power for Saranagati - surrender to the absolute truth.

"Durlabha manava-janma labhiya samsare", Bhakti Vinod Thakur explains that this human life is so rare, we should not waste it. It is so precious. Human life is the facility to fall in love with Krishna. Our acharyas explains that Krishna has actually arranged that this specie of life is in His form so it is easy to fall in love with Him.

radhanatha swamiji

Human Incarnation of God

Human Incarnation of God

Every human being is a single phase system formed by the homogenous mixing of the two components, matter and energy. Matter is visible and imaginable and it forms the human body. Energy is invisible and imaginable. This energy has two subdivisions:

1) The inert energy that binds the matter. It also exists in different forms of work like respiration, digestion, etc. as seen in functioning systems like lungs, intestines etc.

2) The living energy or awareness, which is the specific work form of the above inert energy functioning in the nervous system. It is called as soul.

The unimaginable-invisible God expresses Himself by entering a selected human being called as the human incarnation. This human incarnation is thus the homogenous mixture of the three components: God, matter and energy (including both the subdivisions of energy). This is called as Aatreya, which means 'three-treated-as-one'. This incarnation is called as Datta, which means 'given' i.e., the unimaginable-invisible God is given to the world as the imaginable-visible relative God and He is called as Datta-Aatreya or Dattatreya. Just as the invisible electric current is experienced through a visible metallic wire, God is experienced through the selected human being. Apart from the physical appearance of the materialized body, the main purpose of this human incarnation is preaching spiritual knowledge and the clarification of all doubts.

 This is possible only with the help of awareness or the soul. This is the reason why God does not exist in inert matter. However, inert statues and images can be worshipped as representative models of God to increase one's personal devotion even though direct service to God is not possible through these images.

In Hinduism, Hanuman and the Gopikas stand as the topmost liberated souls. They worshipped and served their contemporary human incarnations alone. God comes in human form in every generation and in every culture simultaneously to avoid the partiality of blessing only one specific generation and one specific religion without any reason. Thus, the human incarnations like Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Mahavir, etc., can be recognized. The internal unimaginable God in all these different human forms is one and the same since there can be many imaginables but the Unimaginable can be only One.

The soul departing from this world enters an inert energetic body (non-material) and can be treated as a single component of energy alone. Alternatively, it can be treated as a two-component system by treating the two subdivisions of energy as two different components. The unimaginable God enters a selected energetic human being and is called as Father of Heaven or Narayana etc. Thus, the energetic incarnation is also a homogenous mixture of three components.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender to it. Reaction sinfulchurry shall deliver you from all of this. Do not Fear.


Le Seigneur a décrit différents types de connaissances, les processus de la religion, la connaissance du Brahman Suprême, la connaissance de l'Ame, la connaissance des différents types d'ordres et les statuts de la vie sociale, la connaissance de l'ordre du renoncement, la connaissance de la non fixation, sens et contrôle de l'esprit, la méditation, etc. Il a décrit en tant de façons différentes types de religion. Maintenant, pour résumer Bhagavad-Gîtâ, le Seigneur dit que Arjuna doit renoncer à tous les processus qui ont été expliquées à lui; il devrait simplement se rendre à Krsna. Cette remise sera le sauver de toutes sortes de réactions pécheresses, car le Seigneur promet personnellement à le protéger.
Dans le huitième chapitre, il a été dit que seul celui qui est devenu libre de toutes les réactions pécheresses peut prendre à l'adoration du Seigneur Krishna. Ainsi, on peut penser que, à moins qu'il est exempt de toutes les réactions pécheresses il ne peut pas prendre le processus de restitution. Pour ces doutes, il est dit ici que même si l'on est pas exempt de toutes les réactions pécheresses, simplement par le processus de se rendre au Sri Krishna, il est automatiquement libéré. Il n'y a pas besoin d'efforts acharnés pour se libérer des réactions pécheresses. Il faut accepter sans hésiter Krsna comme le sauveur suprême de tous les êtres vivants. Avec la foi et l'amour, il faut se rendre à lui.
Selon le procédé de dévotion, il faut simplement accepter ces principes religieux qui mèneront finalement au service de dévotion du Seigneur. On peut effectuer un devoir professionnel en particulier en fonction de sa position dans l'ordre social, mais si en exécutant son devoir on ne vient pas au point de la conscience de Krishna, toutes ses activités sont en vain.
Tout ce qui ne conduit pas à l'étape perfectional de la conscience de Krishna doit être évitée. Il faut être sûr que dans toutes les circonstances Krsna va le protéger de toutes les difficultés. Il n'y a pas besoin de penser comment il faut garder le corps et l'âme ensemble. Krsna veillera à ce que. Il faut toujours penser à lui-même impuissant et doit considérer Krsna la seule base de ses progrès dans la vie. Dès que l'on se met en prise au sérieux dans le service de dévotion au Seigneur dans la pleine conscience de Krishna, à la fois, il se libère de toute contamination de la nature matérielle. Il existe différents processus de processus de religion et purificatrices par la culture de la connaissance, de la méditation dans le système de mysticyoga, etc., mais celui qui abandonne à Krishna n'a pas à exécuter tant de méthodes. Cette simple remise vers Krsna va le sauver de perdre inutilement du temps. On peut donc faire tous les progrès à la fois et être libéré de toute réaction de péché.

Il faut être attirés par la belle vision de Krishna. Son nom est Krishna parce qu'Il est tout attrayant. Celui qui devient attiré par la belle tout-puissant, la vision, tout-puissant de Krishna est heureux. Il existe différents types de transcendantalisme-certains d'entre eux sont attachés à la vision Brahman impersonnel, certains d'entre eux sont attirés par la fonction Supersoul, etc., mais celui qui est attiré par la fonction personnelle de la Personne Suprême, et , au-dessus tous, celui qui est attiré par la Personne suprême comme Krishna Lui-même, est le transcendentalist le plus parfait. En d'autres termes, le service de dévotion à Krsna, en pleine conscience, est la partie la plus confidentielle de la connaissance, ce qui est l'essence même de l'ensemble de la Bhagavad-Gîtâ. Karma-yogis, des philosophes, des mystiques, empiriques et dévots sont tous appelés spiritualistes, mais celui qui est un pur dévot est le meilleur de tous. Les mots utilisés ici, mā Sucah, "Ne craignez pas, ne pas hésiter, ne vous inquiétez pas," sont très importants. On peut être perplexe quant à la façon dont on peut donner toutes sortes de formes religieuses et simplement se rendre vers Krsna, mais cette inquiétude est inutile.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

seize rituels de la vie (hindu rituels védiques) (FRANÇAIS)

Selon la culture védique sont seize rituels de la vie considérés comme le sacrement le plus important. Sans parler dans le Rig Veda rituels, mais certains de ce traité les mariages, les enterrements Sukton et tout ce qui touche à la conception des actes religieux est décrit. Seuls les sacrifices SRUT mentionnés dans ayurveda, alors ce livre est pas spécifique aux sacrements. Atharva Veda pour les
mariages, les funérailles et les cérémonies au cours de la première conception sont exprimés. rituels Satapatha brahmanes et sacrements dans Gopth Upanayana Godan mentionne. Professeur d'éducation à la fin de la convocation Tattiriy Upanishad enseigne. Ainsi Grihysutron règles avant de voir les sacrements. Il semble que devant les rites Grihsutron étaient fondées sur les pratiques traditionnelles. Grihsutron première méthode est décrite en détail dans les sacrements. Grihysutron premières noces en décrivant les sacrements mentionnent. Après cette conception, Punsvn, Simntonnyn, karma Jat-, nommant, évacuation, prashanam Ann-, karma Cudha-, Upanayana et les rituels sont décrits samavartana. La plupart Grihysutron ne décrivent les funérailles, parce qu'il a été considéré comme malchanceux. Les souvenirs et les règles correspondantes de conduite dans les cas mentionnés sont les sacrements. Ces upanayana et cérémonies de mariage ont été décrites avec des détails, parce que la personne rites Brahmacharyasrama upanayana et rites du mariage par le maître de maison entreraient l'ashram. Actes des rites religieux, d'une personne qui était totalement membres qualifiés de votre communauté dans le but de rendre son corps, l'esprit et le cerveau étaient sanctifier, mais les propriétés souhaitables dans les cérémonies hindoues personne objective né devait. Védiques littérature "rites" ne pas utiliser le mot. Grihysutron se produit principalement dans l'interprétation des sacrements, mais aussi dans le sens de l'usage rituel du mot sacrifice est la sanctification du matériel. source de mémoire Vakhans (200 à 500 après JC). La première différence évidente est le corps des rites et des sacrifices. cants et Yajnavalkya sacrements selon la purification de Dijon est l'utérus et de semences Doshadi. Kumaril (e. Huitième siècle) Tntrwartik quelques idées différentes dans les textes a révélé. il est un homme en deux nobles causes - de pré-action pour éliminer les défauts et la production de nouvelles propriétés. Rites travaillent tous les deux. ce type de rituels dans l'Inde ancienne, en particulier dans la vie de l'homme d'importance. nourrie par les sacrements, et le plein épanouissement de leurs tendances innées était la sienne et le bien-être de la société. le saint sacrement de l'homme dans cette vie n'a pas fait sa vie extraterrestre était trop sacré. chaque maison funéraire avant a été utilisé, mais si la personne suit le Grihysutr, en conséquence, le nombre d'élixirs, Hwypdarthon et chants étaient utilisés varient en families.Laughing différents